Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
[Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are in the world it’s dr janice hooker fortman with relationship matters i hope everyone is having a beautiful morning afternoon or evening wherever you are in the world it’s a beautiful day here in the sunny city of chicago i’m right outside of chicago but it’s been so beautiful here the weather’s been just great well you know i’m always on my soapbox and i said last time that i wasn’t going to be on my soapbox uh and so can i just be on it for a minute and when i say a minute i mean just a minute well really 30 seconds wear your mask that’s all i have to say wear your masked people they say we’re going to be living with covet so since we have to live with it and all the new variants they’re saying that just might come about just wear your mask i have a friend who well i have several friends who have who have had covet and now they have long coping and some of them they say their brains their minds are foggy some of them have rasty voices uh one other person said her forehead was numb and has been numb so you know uh to keep yourself from going through all of this wear your mask okay and don’t get it and then then don’t give it to anyone that’s it i said i wasn’t gonna be on my soapbox but i got on it anyway but i’m stepping off well this evening here in chicago this evening i have an amazing person on my show and let me i can just tell you a little bit about him i saw so much about this young man that i thought jesus my god when does he sleep i don’t know if he sleeps but anyway his name is dr jojo saison he’s an author a proactive christian apologist humanitarian physical therapist the world’s number one doctor of manual therapy from the philippines she is so much uh he’s an international educator motivational speaker and interesting this lead co-investigator for spine strength assessment of 12 international space risk of intervertebral intervertebral this damage after prolonged space flights of of astronauts in other words you know how does being out in space affect the spines of astronauts and he was the or is i would say the designer of the official nasa mission patch uh for the soyuz market rocket in 2013 [Music] and he was the first filipino to send and retrieve the philippine and u.s flag including a g.i joe one-six scale toy astronaut action figure on a payload to near space beyond a hundred thousand feet altitude and i already said he’s an author he knows some astronauts personally and he’s a very interesting man who does everything so i’m going without further ado because i could talk about him you know for the next hour without him and him coming on so i’m going to bring him on hello
Dr. Jojo Saison
Good evening and Dr. Jan and good evening good day world wherever you are you may be in the western hemisphere or eastern hemisphere of this planet i bid you good day blessings and thank you for spending time with me and Dr. Jan.
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Yes so you know what before we start i want people to see your museum your personal museum where you are talking from.
Dr. Jojo Saison
Okay first thing i am in my my home in bourbon a but i also have a museum it’s a personal museum based on the interest i had as a kid because you’re always that child and you can never you can never kill all your dreams so i’ve always wanted all these things i have planes and autographs of astronauts and all sorts of things some ships that i have astronaut pictures ships again i have a collection of um well there’s a there’s an astronaut uh i have this is my entomological uh museum where i have all the plants and animals and and fossils and these are my superhero collection and you can see a little bit of that and the reason for this Dr. Jan is that when i was a child i wanted so much of these toys but i couldn’t afford it because we were poor and i realized that one day well i might be able to afford it it’s never really too late and when i could afford it i just could not stop so here i am i have my own museum and i invite people to to see it and also to get inspired and this is actually my basis for reality that from all these things it’s not just an imagination but also you you keep on dreaming and moving forward to those things like if it was astronauts and i would make sure i would find my way to become friends with astronauts and work with them and and so forth being a superhero i’ve been doing that for children as well i’ve been the batman outfit for this is my 28th year being batman in the area i visited hospitals um special needs kids that have projects for them to empower them so that’s just a synopsis there’s so much to talk about but i’m here to talk about not about me but about the people listening to us Dr. Jan and i care about life about living life so question my first question how did you get you said when you were a kid you saw all these things but what i noticed about you you climbed mountains i saw that yesterday you had a phone call from when you said out of the blue it was out of the blue because it was from an astronaut who’s in space you know and so i have to talk a little bit about you we’re going to talk about some other stuff but i got to talk a little you know a a little bit about you how did you become you know i i said earlier before i found out how old you were would you i’m going to say if you don’t mind knowing that that you’re 60 and i thought maybe you were like about 30 because i was trying to figure out how did you do all these different things that you do i mean you’ve had legislation passed you you have a magazine that we’re going to talk about later and you you know astronauts personally how did you get to know astronauts personally
Dr. Jojo Saison
Well it’s i’m going to tell you but um it’s not about how to many people ask me how to like a step by step because that’s what we’re trained about it’s to get step one step two step three and i’m not going to teach you that because it’s something beyond that it begins in childhood and i’m emphasizing here that’s why i have the foundation called project michelangelo foundation is in the first seven years of life of a human being that’s when we can program them and they are programmed sometimes unconsciously by what we expose the children to what we tell them and what we make them believe when i was a child i got into the space program because in 1967 1969 when apollo 11 landed on the moon my father and i were watching it on this black and white tv with the with the rabbit ears and the in the in the skinny legs my dad did not know that he had inspired me to go for the space program in fact i i applied for the astronaut core three times i just wasn’t called to be an astronaut i was a scientist so it’s it begins with children and i’ve spoken to astronauts and what made them become astronauts it was because of their childhood days when their parents believed in them when their parents encouraged them to study when they played with rocket ships and they thought about going to space and adventure so what i emphasize here on the how to is nurture the young mind because whatever you tell them you don’t even know it it’s going to affect them and the sad thing is that there’s a lot of parents that expose their children to who they are and it’s not necessarily godly let’s say you’ve heard of parents saying being angry for example and telling their child i wish you weren’t born you were not born at all or isn’t it you’ve had those things or the cuss around the children or they defy authority in front of their children they’re teaching the children i am so very blessed that my parents showed me what’s moral and what’s adventurous so everything i do on everything that anyone else is doing in their life is a reflection of their programming when they were children children on the first seven years of life so to answer how to it’s because i was inspired to do it and when you are inspired with passion things happen you will find the right doors the right people will arrive in your life and the right opportunities will come about come about and you will pursue without without abandon so that’s the answer it begins with uh with a child and the passion that’s nurtured and developed
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Okay all right all righty so and this started when you were a child but now that you’re an adult what what what does your faith have to do with this well you said you were an unapologetic yes apologetics i mean okay talk about that
Dr. Jojo Saison
Uh most people don’t know what apologetics mean uh i’m a self-proclaimed uh um apologetic christian or christian or apologist christian apologist people think that an apologist means that you are apologizing and it’s not apolog apologetics there is derived from the word apologia a greek word apologia which means to defend the faith so now i am defending the faith of uh of jesus christ and god and why the their presence is scientific it’s actually a necessity for us to live a life that’s well worth every single thing and you’re talking about faith we create the future god gave us this beautiful beautiful mind that we should not waste and it begins with children whatever you believe it becomes and it’s in scripture how whatever a man or woman believe believeth it becomes right so faith and this this powerful mind most of the time we we misuse it because number one we were not raised by the right the right environment that’s why that’s why my foundation is about empowering children for the for a better world we have to begin with the children starting out with the very basic moralities and about acknowledging god so and in a nutshell that’s what faith is you you create it
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Okay all right uh uh i just want to show you a comment here from sandy barney and she says you make me feel better i have antique porcelain dolls dishes barbie dolls doll houses and many of your furniture all around my house and she’s talking about i guess your personal resent my friends talk about me they say i’m too old to have this type of collections from now on i’m going to tell them about you
Dr. Jojo Saison
Oh thank you well then that’s whatever your passion life is you can never allow people to dictate your happiness because most of the time people rely on other people’s approval or disapproval if you do that you will be miserable because there’s such a thing in our human psyche called significance everybody wants to be significant and most of the time people want an affirmation from people that’s why facebook has become so popular because people are waiting for that like like hundreds and hundreds of like because that affirms their worth their identity and it’s it’s good to a certain extent but you cannot allow that to consume you because you have the power to create your life whatever you have around you whatever your life is is just a reflection of what you call your paradigm of reality whatever you believe it becomes if you think miserable you will be miserable so that’s my uh my uh response to sandy sandy if it makes you happy and if it tells a story go for it and i also asked one time i searched for the answer of a question that i that’s been bugging me why do people collect collect things everybody has some form of collection it could be toothbrushes bottle caps porcelain dolls why do people collect and i finally found that answer to this collector in galena illinois because going around the world asking asking professionals why do people collect and i found the answer the answer especially for sandy people collect because of man and woman’s need to tell a story really it is a need to tell a story and that’s why like the from the bible to your neighbors we were we were created to interact with other people we were made and created to tell a story and i’m sure like for sandy if somebody goes to go to their house and ask about where it came from what it means she would know it’s an inherent need for a story it’s part of the self-worth so i would i would tell people who collect keep on collecting because you are the story and and if you collect to sell for business that’s fine all my collection are out of the boxes like toys i i get them out of the box because i play with it what’s stopping you from playing it right so keep on collecting and keep on telling the story
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
You know i never thought about that my mother who’s passed collected bells you know and i used to collect boxes you know but it all kinds just you know round all kinds of different materials and everything but then one day i just thought i got too much of this stuff and i started giving it away but i never thought that i was telling a story i just thought i just like boxes
Dr. Jojo Saison
Well yeah not just that it’s actually a little bit deeper than telling a story everybody wants to create something it could be a garden it could be making your house look beautiful based on your your reality your you are building some men like building things building blocks we always create the reason for that Dr. Jan is that it is proof that we are children of god we are co-creators because goodness is about bringing things together to inspire the next person to make to make you feel like your life is worth it so these are proofs as in part of my apologetics it’s proof of god god is creator we are children we are co-creators and the antithesis is evil to destroy what’s been created by someone else
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Yes yes and you know we think of eagle as something different from what you said but i was reading i think it’s eckhart tolle who talks about the eagle in the way that you’re speaking of of the eagle actually it is a negative thing that is to destroy you know
Dr. Jojo Saison
Right right right yeah uh and i know your uh your um show is about relationship yes if you don’t mind i’d like to define the the maxim of what relationship is all about okay it comes from south africa the ubuntu maxim and the ubuntu maxim states that i am because you are i am because we are i am who i am because we are what we are so plainly showing that in the ubuntu maxim this part of compassion and in humanities that you can never know that your own identity if you have no one else to compare it with if you were the only person on earth you would go nuts because you have you you don’t even know if you exist there’s nothing to compare it with so that’s the ubuntu maxim that i that i go with and explaining what relationships is all about and when you do a relationship there is what you call even individualism that means you only think pretty much about yourself and you create your own moralities and we have to follow a certain standard of morality so that we can live together and and make it and be part of someone’s development we are actually co-creating another person in another life and when we do that we are complying with the standards and precepts of god to be a creator
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
So can i say i am because you are
Dr. Jojo Saison
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Okay how would you know you are Dr. Jan if you don’t know that there are people who are worth living or human beings that deserve compassion deserve love you would not you would never know who you are if you do not know and value the next person
Dr. Jojo Saison
Oh my goodness oh my goodness well i have to put valerie smith uh says i love and collect books and specialty magazines i love knowledge
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Wow okay keep it up and then uh maxine collects butterflies
Dr. Jojo Saison
Oh i love butter i have some insects but i i don’t have the whole collection because uh it’s just because i don’t have the space anymore
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Well you know you gotta have to get a bigger place so
Dr. Jojo Saison
Yeah but people would love to collect go for it even if people will ridicule you it’s fine as long as you don’t become a hoarder that’s the pathological already yeah you destroy your life in someone else’s life because you become just overly compulsive and there’s no more point into it there’s no story it’s just chaos and chaos is evil it’s from the cloth of evil chaos and and destruction because you’re if people do that they they lose their friendships they lose their relationships so it’s not of god
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
I can i see i see so tell us uh about project michelangelo and what made you start that what is it all about
Dr. Jojo Saison
Okay project michelangelo is the foundation of empowerment so we’re concentrating on children and pretty much telling them not just them but also teaching them the how to of life and believing in the child it’s so powerful that when a child knows that someone believes in him or her what their life will change and uh so project michelangelo is based on saint michael the archangel michelangelo is is the italian pronunciation we call it michelangelo in the u.s michelangelo mikhail m-i-c-h-e-l means like god and angelo is angel so we’re encouraging the adults to be like angels on earth so to become part of the whole collective of what creation is all about for relationships to build each other’s lives to make this world a better place and to become good stewards for people and for the environment um Dr. Jan i’d like to tell you a story real quick and this is something that’s searchable and it’s historical and what what it means to change a child’s life by believing in them okay everybody knows thomas edison right thomas edison the inventor of the light bulb and about a thousand other other inventions now when thomas edison was in kindergarten he came home with a letter from his teacher and little tommy thomas edison told his mother mommy i have a letter that was given by my teacher and she told me to give it to you so the mother opened the letter and she started crying and little tommy asked mommy why are you crying well because the teacher said that you are so bright and you’re a genius and they just could not teach you anymore you have to go to another school or i should teach you myself they could not accept you anymore they can’t handle your genius so the little tommy said oh i’m a genius so fast forward thomas edison became one of the greatest minds in the world now one at the certain time thomas tomiza or thomas mother died and he was rummaging through the attic and he found the letter so he was so excited to actually read the letter that was telling thomas and telling himself that he was a genius and he attributes that his genius to create so many things that made lives better when he opened the letter he was shocked it says dear mrs edison your child is stupid your child cannot learn anything and he is worthless please teach him yourself so just imagine thomas edison’s mother made thomas believe he was a genius his teacher was telling his mother to tell tommy that he’s worthless just imagine if thomas edison’s mother told tommy that hey you’re dumb you’re stupid you think he’s gonna invent a light bulb this is the power of what the human mind can do provided that you it believes and you nurture that belief and then this is what project michelangelo is we are in we’re encouraging the adults to nurture their children you don’t want to lie to their child if they’re doing bad artwork you don’t want to say they’re a picasso you know you have to be with certain limits you don’t want to lie to the child but you have to nurture the child that they can do so many things only if someone else believes in that child this is what project michelangelo is our motto become an angel and a hero for every child
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
So are you in different schools or um and how do you get the adults to be a part of of this foundation
Dr. Jojo Saison
Well it’s social media pretty much a wide reach so we are self self-funded we have donors here and there so what we do and we do a lot of things in the philippines we have rescue groups in the philippines through a university book at non state university we created these uh students who become rescuers we provided uniforms we plant over we planted over ten thousand trees in the mountains and our in our young ones are going to the to the mountains where the children do not have access to to education and we’re teaching them how to read how to write so because i have this idea the idea is really not mine i’m just the bearer of the idea the ideas from the holy spirit once you have an idea and powerful enough with passion people will follow so i didn’t have to force anybody to join project michelangelo foundation once they see the fire going people wanted to be part of that and they know that we are bound by trust we don’t have membership fees so we are open and that’s what we even went into having our own magazine angel rising magazine it’s an outcrop of project michelangelo foundation so there’s a lot more story to tell but uh people can go for um for the website www.projectmichelangelo.org so much time i wanted to make it concise uh just an overview and we group of people wearing superhero costumes and we go and empower children and i was asked one time by a reporter because i this is my 38th year being batman in the area like uh Dr. Jojo um why did you become a superhero and the answer because when i was a child i was bullied okay there of course many children are bullied by bigger children or meaner children and there are times that the child will be depressed and cry on his own and i was reading comic books during that time and i prayed to god can you send me a superhero because all i was needing as a child is for someone strong and powerful to believe in him or her and Dr. Jan no superhero arrived there was none so that’s enough for anyone to say oh there must be no god and then later on i realized why there was no superhero who arrived because i was that superhero
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Oh my goodness
Dr. Jojo Saison
Granting the children what i would have wanted as a child so i wanted to be a superhero and god gave me difficulties and that’s why when people go through difficult times they say that there there must be no god because if there if god was so good why would he allow so much difficulty and pain and suffering well the answer to that is because the world teaches us about pain and pleasure avoid pain gain pleasure live a life where you can have a lot of money so you can retire go to the beach have fun go to the casinos that’s what the world teaches us if you go to god and for me my saviors jesus christ you will find meaning in anything the world will teach you happiness but it doesn’t last long but with god you will have joy that means if you ask for strength he will give you all the conditions to be weak to destroy you but you you by his grace you will develop that strength if you want people to love you you will have a lot of heartaches because god is teaching you how to be patient and how to love so whatever you desire the world wants it like on a silver platter but with god you will find meaning that’s why how why how come saints and all these great people they wouldn’t mind dying in pain like because there’s so much meaning they know that there’s much greater things beyond this life and as a christian apologist i could combine science and and spirituality it’s actually one and the same and science is only a tool and i can discuss that as much as anybody wants
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Wow you you are an inspiration and your words are so inspiring i have to take a brief commercial break okay um i want to talk about uh the ray ali memorial okay okay all right okay we’ll be right right back with jojo and don’t go anywhere we’ll be right back [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] well we are going to come right back with jojo and this is the book that was being advertised now you can see it much better the secrets to how not to throw mama from the train it’s all about how to navigate the challenges in the adult door to aging mother relationship the book my book is available on amazon.com or you can always email me at jan for now 125 at gmail.com that’s jan the number four now one two five at gmail.com let’s go back with jojo as we talk about the rey i need water ollie memorial tell us all about who rey is just go start from the beginning how you got interested in this the whole story
Dr. Jojo Saison
Okay okay ready for this is just a quick story you got time we got time we got time okay well we all know world war ii and the philippines was invite invaded by the japanese imperial army and navy back in 1941. my mother was born in 1941 and right when the when the when the japanese arrived well anyway ray ali was a u.s navy sailor he was a hoarder master in the ship called lsm 311 the supply ship they were preparing for the invasion of the philippines in leyte so they were preparing in australia well when he was in new guinea he discovered a dog a puppy and named the puppy eleanor it’s a german shepherd now eleanor became a stone like a stowaway he kept the puppy and hand fed the dog until the dog stayed with them through the invasion of the philippines in 1944 with general douglas macarthur he was 20 years old they were of course he had to go through combat and his friends died because they were machine gunned by japanese zeros all the while eleanor was on board and ray ali developed ptsd because of seeing his friends die and he did not die but coming back from the from the war when it was over with eleanor was growing and now he could not hide eleanor anymore now eleanor was revealed to the captain and he and she was given she was taken in as a mascot so now they have a dog eleanor that was ray’s first best friend he was 20 years old when ray was sleeping headed to san diego and going home he woke up one morning and eleanor was gone he was looking for eleanor he could not find ellen or how could and how can a dog disappear in a ship and one of his friends told him ray uh eleanor’s not on board the ship and he said what do you mean well someone threw eleanor overboard to die so eleanor was thrown in the pacific ocean god or somebody got her somebody was just mean and ray ali became depressed about that and he did not even want to know who did it because he did not want to harbor any anger to that sailor to that friend anyway fast forward ray developed ptsd not only from the war in world war ii but also from losing his his favorite dog his best friend but anyway he did return to the philippines during peace time to help out the the poor he actually did humanitarian work then we met ray ali and i had a 40-year difference he was born in 1923 and i was born in 1963. we became best friends in 2008 and we were just like teenagers we did things together he was a very patriotic he loved jesus christ well we went to parades together we helped with done humanitarian work and he even helped with project michelangelo foundation until he died on july 4th 2020 i was by his bedside i was singing a song when he died because we like we love to sing so we we were just like teenagers now since ray died he died at age 97 he wanted to do so much to teach the children about what america is all about what unity is all about what loving each other is all about what jesus christ is all about and when he died i was depressed i was i lost my best friend so i wanted to continue his mission so i decided to create the ray ali memorial project it is a memorial statue of him and eleanor so my goal my imagination is that i am resurrecting eleanor from the pacific ocean so that i can teach the children about animal cruelty and that to love god’s creation and ray ali is just the figurehead of of of the war and also to honor all veterans of all conflicts and those who served in the in the past and serving now and those who also suffered ptsd but most importantly i created this as a mission to get people to work together that we are not enemies politics has been ruining everything so we are creating this this uh memorial uh we’re still in the process of finding a piece of land for where to begin to build this and i have a sculpture in the philippines and when it’s done we will have a six foot tall bronze statue of rey and eleanor eleanor will live again so that now we can teach the children because uh there was a marine named norm hatch he was in the battle of iwo jima he helped raise the flag on mount suribachi and he said keep the stories alive for the children because it’s amazing how so many people even adults have so little information about history that’s why we’re repeating it all over again and this is saying as the saying goes if you do not learn history you will repeat it again and it’s happening because we’re not teaching the children everything seems to be politicized and polarized so we want to gather these veterans and also help out not just for the ptsd but also teaching the children to get involved that is the main thing i’m i’m going to build this this big reality memorial with eleanor
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Wow so now i put that on the screen uh ray alleymemorial.com now is that where people can donate to it or uh how does that work
Dr. Jojo Saison
Yes i would uh would be happy and joyful if people can donate there’s a donate button on memorial.com and it shows the stories and my main representation representative is miss trina parks she’s the first african-american bond girl in history i want to meet her diamond surfer you want to meet her i want her on my show
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Dr. Jojo Saison
I get her karina parks if you’re listening you’re going to be next she’s a very good friend of mine miss trina parks and she was with sean connery and diamonds are forever if uh you remember that that movie she was the african-american villain with the teeny-weeny yellow bikini beating the beating the crap out of james bond that was her her name and she’s also boarded director of uh my project michelangelo foundation yes you will meet her i will introduce you to her
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Thank you so much oh my goodness and so that means i’m gonna i remember because i like james bond movies and i i remember that but i’m going to go back and look again and oh wow i know your story is so oh she looks awesome she’s a she’s a vegan and she exercises she still dances so she’s my main representative of course i also have miss nebraska who doesn’t know who does my advertisement okay i’m gathering people from all walks of life who want who believes in america and what we stand for because there’s so many naysayers out there who’s redefining what america is all about and it’s tell me about it that’s why our motto is from many we become one and i think people you know a lot of people don’t know what that means they just see it you know what i’m saying uh uh but not but see we were taught in school back then what it means but i don’t think it’s it’s taught now we need to educate the children
Dr. Jojo Saison
Yeah yeah because the adults are hardheaded we just have to wait nurture the new citizens that are born now one more thing before we go i saw something else and this kind of intrigued me it says here you’re currently the human performance consultant for project blackbird a civilian initiative to build the world’s fastest rocket car and regain the absolute land speed record title back to the usa from the united kingdom in an attempt to break the sound barrier on land at 800 miles per hour because in the mid 1970s we the united states held the record for the absolute land speed record it’s just a little bit over 600 miles an hour and the rocket engineer for that is a good friend of mine mr ray dossman so i hope he’s he’s listening uh ray dosman was the rocket engineer for that and he wanted to at least before he he’s done with this live to regain that that record because when it was broken again by the united kingdom that we never got it back for almost 50 years so i belong to this group of engineers they’re wanting to it’s a privately funded group to build another rock a rocket car and it’s non-combustible uh a chemicals it’s not powered by gasoline or rocket fuel it’s powered by um by um hydrogen peroxide it’s it’s amazing when hydrogen peroxide is is mixed with with a cattle as a silver silver nitride it it gives thrust and it’s it’s that’s why it’s non-combustible it can go up to 800 miles an hour with the engine that we’re designing and if if people say oh how about the environment you know how could how dare you and now it’s like that right well guess what when you break down hydrogen peroxide the breakdown products is water and co2 so it’s really exactly you get water we actually produce water by bursting that engine it’s still in the works right now um Dr. Jan
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
So why don’t we use that in cars
Dr. Jojo Saison
Well it’s a very it’s a very a complex question because you have to look into the economy for example um for example it’s so easy to say you know what let’s get rid of the fossil fuels it’s easier to say that but if we just suddenly drop that hammer millions of people are working in that industry that means millions of people are suddenly going to be without a job okay i got you it’s not that simple it has to be gradual so here question that came in who has been your mentor
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Well i have several okay when uh it comes to the physical therapy and manual therapy was doctor or ramsey uh when it comes to nasa it’s Dr. Alan Hargan and people came to my life because again a child if you happen to become whatever you want the right people comes in and we know this in us in the secular world as the as the law of attraction there’s a i can if we have so much time and i have a blackboard i can explain to you in quantum physics why why uh why it happens so when you have when you have this passion and it’s so intense you will attract what what you call the matrix of possibilities when when something is about to happen it becomes imminent you will actually feel it either a win or danger you will actually feel it because that’s something that’s beyond what we know as a four-dimensional world height width length you know we’re 3d we’re a 3d world right and plus time but there are higher dimensions that are they’re real but we just can’t measure it like for example the human mind where do you put your consciousness what part of the dimension can you put it like our consciousness right now Dr. Jan is one we’re overlapping even though we’re we’re we’re distant we’re not confined by the laws of the universe so that’s another dimension in physics in a in traditional physics there are at least 26 dimensions in in in string theory there are 11 dimensions we only know three to four right now because we live in that okay so the higher things out there and that’s the realm of god and then when it and there’s so much denial for example when you talk about uh when you talk about when you talk to people about those who don’t believe in god they’ll say oh you can’t see god you know and whatever it’s not he’s not real but when you ask them do you believe that the human body in the world is made up of atoms i said absolutely atoms and molecules and then i pose a question have you ever seen an atom right okay so we contradict ourselves all the time so if you if you ask a quantum physicist what are these forces and they will say it is this quantum mechanics is a study of these invisible forces that shape reality well isn’t that the description of god so we are in denial all the time because we compartmentalize what we know we don’t know enough and yeah god intended us to know less otherwise we will have pride and people that’s why people who know a lot they think they know it all and they that well even the person here on earth is nothing compared to the absolute intellect of god almighty
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
You are so right we have three minutes absolutely so what tell i’d like you to leave my audience with something that you really would like to leave them with something that they can remember like you said earlier that they will remember and be inspired by
Dr. Jojo Saison
Okay all right so i’m gonna we we didn’t plan anything here folks so i’m just coming straight out of my my my consciousness well what i want to leave in this world is that you have to believe you who are listening right now you have to believe that god created you because if god if there was no god you would have willed yourself into existence and i’m sure no one has ever willed themselves to exist in this world you were created by an absolute intelligence and it’s so loving he isn’t he he makes you an important person you are important to him stop comparing yourself to the next person stop defining yourself by how other people think about you because the moment you believe them then or do you believe that you get depressed and then they’re shaping your reality your reality is yours and it’s shaped by god but you have to believe because even in the book of matthew if you have the faith of at least a grain of mustard seed you tell that mountain to uproot itself and throw itself in the ocean and it will follow your command so whatever you want in life and one thing in life is about meaning it’s not about having a big house and a comfortable income and having vacation that’s not what life is all about and remember you have so many qualities like at the end of your life at the 11th hour you will be visited by the ghosts of the past and these goals are the ghosts of regress are going to ask you why didn’t you do this you would have been this why didn’t you say sorry why didn’t you say i love you you will be visited by these ghosts of regrets of the past do not allow them to haunt you because you have the power to create your life with all these amazing talents that god gave you all you need to do is believe and humble yourself
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Dr. Jojo Saison
You’re welcome thank you so much
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Oh my goodness you know it’s we had to pack i wanted to pack a lot and and until this hour and it just has gone by so fast you know but i want to thank you so much jojo for being my guest and i know that you have put a lot on my audience’s mind because you put a lot on my mind you have inspired me and valerie smith says amen preach it and she says what you were talking about it was deep
Dr. Jojo Saison
I thank you for inviting me and remember that there are no coincidences in life even our meeting here and even the things that happen to the people that are watching and listening there are no coincidences it’s god’s way of being anonymous and not all blessings are fine and sweet and good because sometimes the blessings come in a lesson by something sometimes as much as a tragedy or or people who will make you angry because the the lord is teaching you how to forgive no one enters heaven with a grudge no
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Okay if you have one you will not enter heaven it’s heaven is real okay go real talk about that oh yeah yeah we don’t have to taco we have to have yeah we have to have a conversation yeah we we really do because of a book that i’m reading and and uh i and quickly uh because i gotta go it’s called uh it’s by neville goddard and it’s called the neville collections and i want to discuss this book with you whenever we get a chance so anyway anyway we gotta go so here maxine says amen to what you’re saying and amen again all right thank you so much well thank you so much jojo it’s been a plum pleasing it’s a pleasure god bless you and everyone else listening here even in the recording later on thank you so many god bless you all right all right bye-bye
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Wow this was amazing it was amazing and um i i know that you were inspired and i know that you got some value a lot of value out of this remember there are all kinds of relationships and all kinds of relationship matters i will see you again next week and next week i have on my show boisting woods walker and guess what things are going to be turned around because she is going to interview me so i hope that you will be here and i want everyone to have a beautiful blessed rest of your morning afternoon or evening so i’ll see you next week bye [Music] so [Music]